ANGEL FALLS – Guyana – Veenzuela

Angel Falls.  – Bolivar State Venezuela.

It’s spectacular and unique landscape. They say it was the cradle of ancient Indígens. Many European travelers athro many decades, have been delighted with its beauty.

It is the world’s largest Jumping, falling water is almost a mile, is seventeen times higher than Niagara Falls. Through the high walls of upright stones, protect much of plant species for thousands of years. Water arrives as rain after traveling nearly kilometer-looking ghost. If you fall at dawn with the first rays of the sun can be see, it looks like a rainbow in the water well.

In 1927, the explorer of the State of Guyana, Felix Cardona and 10 years after The pilot Jimmy Angel Unidense State, could land on top of Auyán. (Auyantepuy), looking for gold mines. The plane sank in marshy area and had to walk down after 15 days of survival, came to a village called Uruyen Carepacupay and since then is known as “The Angel”. Alexander Laime., Cartographer and partner who was with him, says that he met the gold he sought, in this breathtaking beauty. It is said that this mysterious person came to live at the top and even commented that lived mutant beings from other worlds, but never revealed secrets about this, just spoke it with some colleagues before dying.


Eneida August 23, 2014

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